

Jamie Grimwood

Fullstack Web Developer - System Administrator


About Me

Hey! I'm Jamie Grimwood, a 15 year old fullstack web developer and volunteer theatre technician (at the moment). I love music, computer science, and most things techy.


I have been doing scouting for a little over 8 years now, starting in sea scouts and moving to normal scouts. Throughout this time, I have learnt a lot of skills along the way, as well as had a ton of fun. I have participated in camps, hikes, watersports activities, fundraising events, community events, and more.


During this time, I was awarded the Alf Breeze award for my work as a Young Leader at a cub group, where I have been working with other leaders to run nights and activities for the cubs, as well as helping out at their fundraising events.

Work Timeline

  1. 28/02/2021


    I founded ColourNodes with someone else back in 2021. I handled all the system administration and development, making unique systems like linking discord accounts with WHMCS client accounts, and so much more.

  2. 21/08/2022

    Falcon Hosting


    I am the founder of Falcon Hosting and I work on managing our systems along side our system administrator, as well as helping clients and improving and adding new services.

  3. 05/06/2023

    Learn It Sign It


    I have taken on a volunteer role at Learn It Sign It as a software engineer, creating their website to host their amazing signing videos, to teach kids around the world how to use sign language to sing songs.

  4. 05/07/2023

    Titchfield Festival Theatre


    At titchfield, I am a Volunteer Associate, meaning I sign up for shows, concerts and whatever else is on to do technical theatre. This may be either lights or sound, both I am confident in and enjoy. I have also been helping at the new Arden theatre, mostly building and fitting seats.


Programming has been a massive part of my life since I was about 12, when I started making Minecraft plugins for my Minecraft server at the time. That then evolved into joining a mod creation group and helping with a few. After this, I eventually found my love for Web Development. Every since, I have been focused on that, using tools such as Next.JS, React.JS and TailwindCSS for frontend development. For backend, I have focused on HyperExpress due to its performance using uWebSockets.js.


Falcon Hosting Website

My best project HAS to be the Falcon Hosting website I designed and built myself, this was a massive challenge. I needed to ensure the site was appealing yet informative, fun yet professional. I went with the choice of adding moving images with LottieFiles, which I have had great feedback on. The website was made entirely using TailwindCSS and Next.JS, completely from scratch. I managed to integrate the API our uptime page uses to also add a little popup at the bottom of the screen to show the current status.

Falcon Website Image
Visit Website


TapTag was a reallt fun project to make, using HyperExpress and WebSockets, I managed to create a multiplayer game for me and my friends to play. It had a fully functioning chat, along with commands for moderators to spice up the game, like party mode.

TapTag Image